AN-21 Annunciator Control Unit
Light and Tone Generator for use in Experimental Aircraft
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Monitors Twenty One Circuits
Sixteen channels activated by ground
Five channels activated by positive input
Each channel can activate a Light and emit a Warning Tone when triggered.
Any Incandescent or LED warning indicator of the appropriate voltage can be driven by the AN-21.
The AN-21 also includes a Windows Programming Utility to enable the user to configure it for each specific installation.
Each channel, when activated, has an associated user programmable output which can be programmed to do the following:
Steady light
Flashing light
Alert Tone with steady or flashing light
AN-21 features:
“Master Caution” – User selected channels can trigger a Master Caution Annunciator
Test Function – Causes all lamps to illuminate to check the bulbs
Dim – Causes all Lamps to illuminate a selected lower brightness for night operation
Wiring Information
Screen Shot of included Programming Utility